Ever wondered the reason we have real Christmas trees in our homes at Christmas? It all began years ago well before the arrival of Christianity. Evergreen plants were a special token for people in the winter season, in several countries many people believed the plants and trees would eradicate evil spirits as well as sickness. Because of this people placed twigs of what everyone knows now a days as the real Christmas tree on top of the doors and window frames to their dwellings.

The wintertime solstice was celebrated on the longest night time of the year by many in the Upper hemisphere. That was because individuals worshiped the sun as a god and during the winter season they thought he was sick. The lengthiest night-time and shortest day represented a shifting point from where the sun would start to heal. All of the evergreen plants were a reminder to the people that life would grow yet again once the sun god was cured.

They weren't the only societies to have worshipped the sun as being a god, many historical civilizations such as Celts, Vikings, Romans as well as ancient Egyptians worshiped the solstice in a similar fashion. Egyptians dangled palms into their home while Romans decorated their properties with evergreen boughs. All of them viewed evergreen trees as a representation of eternal life.

During the 16th century German Christians started to move real decorated Christmas trees right into their houses. This is considered to be the true establishing of the Christmas tree tradition. Many people added illuminated candles to the tree that's believed to have been began by Martin Luther a Protestant reformer of the 16th century. The candles were seen to depict the stars in the night sky.

Christmas trees were then spread by German settlers in to the most of European countries and additionally The usa. In 1846, Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert (who was German) were showcased in the London News huddled around a Christmas tree. The queen seemed to be popular and therefore Christmas trees very quickly became fashionable


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    July 2012

